Well after being home for one day and spending it at the pool all day EVERYONE is bored. So we decided to continue with our vacation Miles doesnt go back to school til Mid July and Melissa doesnt go back until the 6th of July.

So starting Friday morning we are gonna take a day trip to Hoover Dam. We are gonna start by going to the Lake Mead Recreation Area and hiking through Gold Strike canyon(about 3 miles) until we reach the Hot Springs . They have around a dozen hot spring pools and waterfalls that are very secluded and we plan on hiking in just after daybreak.

After we are done at the Hot Springs we are gonna hike the Colorado River trail up to the Hoover Dam. Miles has never been there. We take it for granted since its just a bridge you have to cross to get into Arizona once you've been there a hundred times. But the first time it is truly an awesome experience.

After all the hiking I still have to go to work so we'll be heading home and I will be reporting back. With pictures of course since we now have a digital camera and have finally started to figure out how to use it. It even does VIDEO!!!

The first day or so of our trip I was reluctant to take a bunch of pictures because I didnt know what the capacity of the SD card was but once I saw I could take 1000+ pics if I had the batteries I went nuts but too late to catch all the great moments we had in Santa Cruz. we spent 2 full days there but its not reflected real well in the pics.

We have already decided we want to make Santa Cruz an annual 4th of July pilgrimage. Drive to Seaqside, Carmel, Monterey, Pacific , Pebble Beach and take 17 mile drive to Santa Cruz.

San Francisco was great but too crowded and cool & windy. Santa Cruz has been great everytime I've ever been there and its FREE!!!!!!

Once we got home I found all kinds of vacation rentals in the area for alot less than we paid for motels and they have FREE concerts and events all summer.

Well Saturday we plan on doing a little trip of our own great city Las Vegas. We are usually so busy we never get to go to the STRIP and see what new & exciting things they have put together for the tourists. Miles loves to see the FREE pirate show at Treasure Island nightly @ 6,8, & 10. Also the shops and Aquarium @ Caesars Forum SHops. I love the Cheesecake Factory there.

Plus Gameworks,the M&M factory & Coca Cola factory all on the Strip and of course New York New York has a Midway and the Manhattan Express Roller Coaster. The n Circus Circus has the Midway with free Circus Acts and the Adventuredome is FREE you just have to get a wristband or tickets to ride. But they have tons of games & an Arcade.
The Luxor has Criss Angel running around doing magic and his NEW Cirque De Soleil Show BELIEVE is playing too.

The Old Mormon Fort & Zoo & Natural History Museum are places he takes field trips to at school so he doesnt wanna go there on vacation

The 4th of July we always have a wide variety of choices. The casinos set off fireworks. Parks on the North,south, East & West side of town have all day concerts events and fireworks as well. Lots of people BBQ & buy illegal firworks to set off themselves but we usually go to the park & find a BBQ vendor & just let the kid play.


Football and Fried Rice said...

I **love** your vacation pictures!!!! I am so glad that you got to go on vacay :) Maybe next time you can come to CO!

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Wow! You really have the bug,huh? It's about time but I suppose having a decent car helps alot. Too bad gas is so high now.
You know Sara does have a guest room and Miles could bunk with the boys. It wouldn't kill you to go there for a weekend sometime.....

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